Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!

Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!


Release Date: June 15, 1993

Adventure, point-and-click, 2D, humorous, erotic games, singleplayer

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Another part of Larry Laffer's adventures, the biggest rider of all time. This time the protagonist goes to a luxurious resort, where beautiful women are crowded.


Imagine being stranded in a luxurious resort, surrounded by NINE - COUNT 'EM - NINE breathtakingly beautiful babes. Imagine throwing them your best pick up lines, watching them melt with anticipation and desire. Imagine them dragging you to their soft, secret boudoirs, panting in your ear, ripping at your expertly tailored white polyester leisure suit, taking you to all new passionate places before they...

Nah. On second thought, imagine you're Leisure Suit Larry.

The most popular nerd in the history of computer gaming is back. This time he's won a two week vacation at a wacky, Toon-toned resort, filled with heartachingly realistic babes.

IT'S BIGGER: More jokes, more gags, more objects, more challenges, and more silly, sexy situations! Snoop around dozens of loony locations and meet lots of animated characters.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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in Leisure Suit Larry Game Series

Game Series

Leisure Suit Larry Series

Addressed to an adult audience, a series of humorous adventures with a point&click interface, whose title character is amante-looser Larry Laffer. The brand was created by the now-defunct company Sierra Entertainment.

12 video games

Leisure Suit Larry Game Series

Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! Summary

Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: IBM PC 486, 8MB RAM